A blog dedicated to my opinion on books

Friday, July 8, 2022

“The Mysterious Bakery on Rue de Paris” by Evie Gaughan

Title: The Mysterious Bakery on Rue de Paris
Author: Evie Gaughan
Publisher: Self published
Year: 2014
Genre(s): contemporary, paranormal, romance
Part of a Series: No


Why I read it: Amazon recommendation

Summary: After the death of her mother, Edie decides to take a chance and start living her own life. She accepts a job at a bakery in Paris and leaves Ireland behind…only to realize the bakery is on the Rue de Paris in Compiegne, a town outside of Paris. But she makes the most of it, making new friends and possibly finding romance. However the bakery is struggling and is in danger of shutting down. Will Edie be able to find a way to save it and the secret to the bakery’s delicious offerings?

Review: This was a quicker read than I thought it would be – and I mean that in a good way! That it held my attention and it moved at a good pace.

And I did appreciate the reveal of the secret of the bakery and how Edie discovered it. That is all I’ll say about it. This is a spoiler-free blog after all.

I also connected with Edie. She was relatable and went on a wonderful journey throughout the story. Moving to Compiegne allowed her to find her inner strength and figure out who she truly was. She made good friends and started to change the world around her starting with one bakery on the Rue de Paris.

I listed romance as the third genre for this book. While there is a romance, it is not the main thrust of the book though it does play an important part. I do wish there had been a little more between Edie and her love interest but what we got was satisfying. I could root for those two to get together in the end and that’s often very important to me.

The supporting characters are varied and interesting. Every one of them serves a purpose to the plot and the story isn’t cluttered with too many characters. Gaughan created many great characters and while I wouldn’t have minded seeing anyone of them more, I think she found a good balance to let Edie shine while getting support from the people in her life.

Gaughan created a vivid image of Compiegne in my mind. I wish we had gotten a little more description but what there was absolutely served its purpose. And I commend her for that .

Bottom line: A fun read for a rainy day.

Sex: Not really.

Moonlight Musing

Where would you go if you wanted a fresh start?

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