A blog dedicated to my opinion on books

Friday, December 23, 2022

“The Deepest Blue (Tales of Renthia #1)” by Sarah Beth Durst

Title: The Deepest Blue (Tales of Renthia #1)
Author: Sarah Beth Durst
Publisher:  Harper Voyager
Year: 2019
Genre(s): fantasy, action and adventure
Part of a Series: Yes, Book #1 (and likely adjacent to another book)


Why I read it: Once Upon a Book Club pick

Summary: The kingdom of Belene is constantly besieged by the spirits that control nature all around them. The queen of Belene controls the worst of these spirits, the leviathans that dwell in the deepest blue of the oceans that surround the nation of tiny islands. Those who have the power to control the spirits are taken and given a choice: renounce everything – including their own identity – to become a member of the Faceless, guardians who fight the spirits, or take their chance to become an heir to the queendom, which requires facing an island of trials that will likely kill them. When Mayara reveals her powers to protect her village from an attack on her wedding day, she is taken and chooses to face the island. She starts to learn the truth of the system that she has believed keeps her home safe. Will she be able to survive? And if she does, will she have the courage to change everything she has ever known?

Review: I did enjoy this book and found it didn’t go in the direction I was expecting. And for those wondering, it is a self-contained book so you don’t have worry about reading anything else (unless you want to).

Mayara was an intriguing protagonist – a reluctant hero. All she wants to do is stay in her village, continue to dive for oysters and live with her husband. But she is thrust into the competition to become an heir and ends up proving herself a leader, even if she doesn’t feel like one. She proves she is resourceful, compassionate and brave while on the island and builds a beautiful friendship with fellow competitor Roe.

But this isn’t just Mayara’s story. We follow her husband as he tries to get his wife sent back from the island and released from having to be an heir. He ends up working for the current queen, whose story we also follow. She is a queen with very little power, controlled by the powerful noble families of Belene who do whatever they have to in order to force the queens to do their bidding. They are corrupt and only care for themselves, often leaving the people of Belene vulnerable to attack by demanding the heirs protect their properties from spirits. Just like Mayara needs to find her courage to face the trials of the island, the Queen needs to find her courage to stand up to the noble families.

Ultimately, this story is one of challenging the status quo and fighting for a better life – not only for the characters themselves but for the people of Belene. It was an intriguing one and I enjoyed that more than having to read about the horrifying ways the island’s spirits killed the competitors. I am glad that was the direction Durst went, though I’m sure some readers would’ve preferred the more Hunger Games like competition of the island.

Either way, Durst has created a rich world filled with intrigue and intriguing characters. I’m not sure if I’ll check out her other work but I wouldn’t mind reading another book by her in the future.

Bottom line: A good fantasy read.

Sex: Not really

Moonlight Musing

Would you challenge the status quo?

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