A blog dedicated to my opinion on books

Friday, February 15, 2019

My Literary Boyfriends

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day!

I will admit that I do not have a Valentine this year. Well, scratch that. I don’t have a date. I was part of a gift exchange in one of my fandoms, so I technically had a Valentine.

Anyway, since this is a blog dedicated to books, I thought I would talk about some of my favorite male characters—or my literary boyfriends, as it were.

1. Fitzwilliam Darcy: I don’t think there’s an Austenite who doesn’t wish Mr. Darcy was real. There are many who misinterpret why Mr. Darcy is so generally well liked—it’s because he’s rich! It’s because he’s good looking! It’s because he’s an ass and women just really like assholes instead of nice guys! And it’s really none of those. It’s because Mr. Darcy respected Elizabeth and changed how he treated her, especially once she called him on his behavior. He didn’t try to defend himself, though he did offer his side of the story in some cases while owning his own behaviors in others. He didn’t demand she give him a second chance. He respected her wishes to stay away. That’s what women want—not for someone to change for them, but for someone to respect them.

2. Nathaniel Bonner: For those unfamiliar with this name, I would encourage you to read Sara Donati’s Wilderness series. She was inspired by Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, so he is basically her Jamie Fraser. He is a passionate and loyal man, ready to do anything he needs to do to protect those he loves. He’s also not threatened by strong women and is attracted to them. He’s also a loving and amazing father, even raising his daughter as a single father for a few years.

3. James: He’s from the next book I will be reviewing, Wives of War. A bit arrogant and something of a flirt when we first meet him, he proves to be a kind and loyal man. Even though he loves Scarlet, he stands down when he finds out she’s engaged to his brother. He supports her, though, when she needs it and treats her like an equal person, not some possession.

4. Remus Lupin: He’s my favorite Harry Potter character and I threw the seventh book across the room when I realized he didn’t survive the Battle of Hogwarts. (Though I figured none of the Marauders were getting out of the series alive after Sirius died). He’s a gentle soul, smart, and he really cares about Harry as well as his students. Remus can be serious but enjoys himself as well, enjoys spending time with family and friends.

5. Faramir: While he’s a Ranger, Faramir is more of a scholar than a soldier. It’s even noted that Denethor didn’t understand why his youngest son spent more time with books and learning from Gandalf rather than practicing. Faramir is wise and noble, a good man who wants to do what is right for his people and for Middle-earth. He’s also gentle but definitely strong, which made him a good match for my favorite character, Eowyn (in my opinion. I know others disagree and I respect their reasons). I definitely wouldn’t mind finding my Faramir one day.

Those are my literary boyfriends. I hope everyone has a great Valentine’s Day or at least enjoys all the discounted candy!

Moonlight Musing

Who are your literary boyfriends/girlfriends?

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