A blog dedicated to my opinion on books

Saturday, March 9, 2019


I have been working on publishing my first novel. It's a Christmas romance called "The Christmas Wish." Here's a little summary:

Hugh Ellis and Silas Edwards are best friends who want to be more--they want to be brothers. When they ask Santa to make them brothers, he grants their wish--which has life-changing repercussions for their single parents, Adelaide and Theo. Santa tasks them with being a family for one week. Will they make it without killing each other...or will Adelaide and Theo fall in love?

I am planning on self-publishing this and am trying to raise money to help with the process. To that end I've set up my own Patreon page.

Here are my tiers and their associated perks:

Reindeer: Patrons at this level will get access to bonus writing, like sneak peeks or cut material. ($1 a month)

Wishing Star: Patrons at this level can submit questions that I will answer every month. You will also get access to all lower tier benefits. ($5 a month)

Elves: Patrons at this level will get thanked at the end of the novel once it is published. You will also get access to all lower tier benefits. ($10 a month)

Santa: Patrons will receive a signed copy of the book when published. You will also receive access to all lower tier benefits. ($20 a month) 

I try to release posts weekly. It doesn't always work out but I try. You can get some sneak peeks at my work, some original short stories and other fun posts like that--all for a $1 a month! 

Thank you so much for your help! 

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